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build my business.

Someone once said, "You don't succeed your way to the top, you fail your way to the top." That's certainly true of the journey to become an entrepreneur. It’s a long and difficult one filled with roadblocks and detours.

In fact, I'm an ex-stiletto-heeled pencil skirt-wearing customer success executive turned entrepreneur who is still making mistakes and doing my best to learn and grow from them.

It was that journey and countless supporters that enabled me to

I didn’t always have this business: the clients, the course, the sales, the accolades...

Behind the Brand

Business Over Fashion Podcast

If you want to stay up to date on what’s trending in the fashion and beauty industry, the latest in the podcast world, or just curious about what I’m up to, give me a follow!

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Want to be on the podcast? Have an email marketing question? Whatever it is, I want to chat.

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